venerdì 26 febbraio 2010

Presenting Our Surveys

Hi everyone, hope you're well?

This week we're going to watch four films which present survey results and write what you think about them. Please pay attention to the style of the film. How easy is it to understand the writing, how interesting is the film? Does the music go with the film or not?

Don't forget, You are going to make a similar film to present the survey that you made, so think about the style, content and presentation of these films as you watch them. What would you like to have in your presentation and what would you change?

Watch the presentations and take notes about what you like and what you don't like about them. Bring your notes to class next week!

Francesco's Street Art Presentation

Alessio'sFine Art Presentation

Daniela's Restaurant Presentation

Andrea's Books and Reading Presentation

P.S. Francesco and Alessio also made a pretty darn good snowboarding video which, although it's got nothing to do with our lessons, you might like to watch :-)

giovedì 11 febbraio 2010

Our Surveys

In II Martino Martini at Mezzolombardo we are studying Social Sciences in English.

Recently we have been doing some work on using the Likert Scale to do surveys of people's attitudes. We are using Google forms to publish our own individual surveys on our blogs. Each of our surveys is about a subject that for one reason or another is of personal importance to us.

Image from:

We would really appreciate it if you could spend a few minutes completing a few of our surveys that you'll find in the RSS feed in the column on your right here.

Please Note: Our surveys are about some difficult social issues such as Alcohol, drug mis-use and so on. They may well not be suitable for younger students.

Thanks for your time!