Welcome to the world of blogging! I hope your blogs are all doing well and you've not had too many problems setting them up?
There are two tasks for this week's homework. Please make sure these are ready for November 2nd. There is a penalty for late work!
1) Set up your blog. Give it a name, choose your colours (make sure you can read it easily), have fun!
2) Write your first post: "My blog - a new space for learning." This should be more than just a simple introduction to your blog. You should explain what you would like to write about, why you want to write about these things and what you hope to achieve with your blog this year. Please add the tag "introduction" to your post. N.B. You will need to edit your first post if you have already written it.
3) Add your second post about the trip to Blogfest. You should have already written this, so copy and paste it into your blog and publish it. Please add the tag "Blogfest" to your post.
4) Tell us your blog address. Reply to this post and tell us the address of your blog. Click on the "Comments" section below to reply
Here are the slides we used in this week's lesson:
Lesson 1 How To Set Up A Blog
View more presentations from Seth dickens.