lunedì 26 ottobre 2009

Hello all the cool 3 LSS students!

Hi there everyone!

Welcome to the 3LSS Class blog!

For this blog, I hope we're all going to have a lot of fun working together. I hope that it will show you all a different way to learn and communicate and start to get you all used to creating content on the internet. I want to work together on many different blogging projects with the aim of helpin YOU GUYS to become more independant learners.

This is where we are going to meet for homework assignments, out of class activities, and all sorts of digital fun together.

The first thing I want you all to do is to leave me a short comment telling me what the name of your blog is and it’s address. You’re going to need to use a little bit of HTML too!

To make a link, we're going to use the Anchor "a" tag

Seth's Blog

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