martedì 3 novembre 2009

Homework 9 November 2009

Dear All,

As you may well remember, we are working with 2 student-teachers from Canada this year, Denise and Teri. Well, we haven't really done much with them yet this year as we were busy getting our blogs set up.Now it's time for that to change!

For homework this week we're going to get to know a little more about our Canadian colleagues Teri and Denise.

1) Denise has made a great short video on her blog where she talks about what she studies, what her hobbies are and what she likes to do in the summer.

Please visit Denise's blog and leave a comment on her video post that engages with her, and helps you to connect to her. Maybe you could talk about what your hobbies are, maybe you could talk about any hobbies that Denise has that you share, maybe you could ask Denise some questions about her hobbies, maybe you could talk about what you are studying, maybe you could talk about what job you'd like to do, maybe you can tell Denise about your blog, too..... you choose.

2) Teri has written a introductory blog post for3LSS where she asks us some questions about Blogfest, and tells us a little about herself. You can also find out more about Teri on her It's Me page.

Please read Teri's information about herself and the introduction for us, then leave her a comment on her 3 LSS page. Againg, your comment should engage with Teri, and helps you to connect to her. You can use the same idea we talked about above. e.g. maybe you could talk about what your hobbies are.... etc

Please do this before Sunday 8th November so that Teri and Denise have time to reply to us.

Thanks! Seth

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